Neem deel aan online live debat over gebrek aan zorg opties voor kinderen en HIV/AIDS

ingevoerd op 17-3-2011

Your chance to join our live debate!

On the 22nd March, Jenny Willott MP is hosting an event on behalf of EveryChild UK. This will be a global discussion about the lack of care options available to children affected by HIV and AIDS around the world.
The discussion will focus on issues raised in EveryChild’s Positively Caring report, and will feature a panel of experts answering questions from the floor alongside questions that you submit.

The event will be filmed and streamed live to our website at 3pm (UK tijd dus 16.00 uur bij ons) on 22nd March at

To take part:
Submit a question, or comment, before or during the event by simply emailing

Join us on Twitter ( and add #EvCevent to the end of your tweet to add your voice to the discussion.

Watch the webcast to see if your question gets submitted to the panel during the event.