What’s Next? The next succesful steps in youth and child care

ingevoerd op 23-09-2016

SOS Children’s Villages Netherlands is celebrating its 50th anniversary and we are closing this year with a major sector conference on October 13, 2016 in Haarlem.Therefore SOS is pleased to invite you to our international sector conference What’s Next?, The next steps in succesfull child and youth care.

Aim of the conference is to link the work of SOS Children’s Villages, guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Guidelines on the Alternative Care for Children, to the Development Agenda 2030 and its call toLeave no one behind. And our aim is not only to link our work, but also the work of everyone else involved.

To connect the Sustainable Development Goals concerning children with 4 topic clusters: 

- Preventing children from losing parental care

- Ensuring appropriate family based care for children without parental care

- Addressing the growing issue of migrant children separated from their parents

- Breaking the cycle of vulnerability: youth employability

At this congres you will have a unique opportunity to bring together all of the experencies and knowledge of international NGO-experts, corporate partners, policy makers, advocates, practitioners and journalists. Together, we can face today’s challenges and those of the future.


Voor meer informatie en aanmelding, zie SOS Kinderdorpen (http://www.register-whatsnext.nl/)

Schermafbeelding 2016-09-23 om 10.31.09 Schermafbeelding 2016-09-23 om 10.31.09