The First International Conference in Africa on Family Based Care for Children

ingevoerd op 12-5-2009

The First International Conference in Africa on Family Based Care for Children will be held on 28 - 30 September 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The theme of the Conference is:
“Promoting Family Based Care for Children in Africa”

To improve knowledge on Family Based Care for Children through sharing information and experiences
To enhance the legislative and policy environment to support Family Based Care for Children in Africa
To improve skills of actors in the provision of Family Based Care for Children in Africa

Role of Communities in Family Based Care 
Age and Gender perspectives in Family Based Care
Policy and Legislative Frameworks providing for Family Based Care
Different Forms of Interventions, Practices and Experiences in Family Based Care
Institutional Care to Family Based Care
Standards and the Role of Monitoring in Family Based Care

The Conference will be held on 28, 29 and 30 September, 2009.  Participants arrive on 27 September and depart on 31 September 2009.

The Conference will be in two languages - French and English.

The Conference will be held in Nairobi, Kenya.

The Conference targets 350 participants drawn from government departments, Universities, NGOs, INGOs, FBOs, UN agencies, Children’s Institutions, the East African Community and the African Union.
The participation is open to people from any part of the world, with majority coming from Africa.

For further information