E-learning cursus Monitoring Children’s Rights

ingevoerd op 12-4-2012

Wellicht iets voor mensen die meer willen weten over het monitoren van kinderrechten en participatie van kinderen hierbij.

bericht ontvangen van de website HREA
The deadline for applications for HREA’ e-learning course Monitoring Children’s Rights has been extended until 1 May 2012. This e-learning course, now offered from 9 May-24 July 2012, is a basic introduction to measuring and monitoring the status of children, including basic health and welfare, education, civil rights and freedoms, and special protection measures. The course will address the full cycle of monitoring, including tool development; methodologies for carrying out monitoring (both organisationally as well as through the involvement of children); and the application of results for improving the promotion and protection of the rights of the child.
The course involves approximately 60 hours of reading, on-line working groups, webinars, assignments, and interaction among students and the instructor, and is offered over a 11-week period beginning on 9 May 2012 (two weeks later than originally scheduled). The course will integrate active and participatory learning approaches within activities and assignments, with an emphasis on reflective and collaborative learning. Participants will do the required reading, prepare interim and final project assignments, including case studies, and participate in group discussions.
Course outline
Week 1. The Monitoring Concept and Developing a Strategy of Action
Week 2. Introduction to Children’s Rights, and the Role of the International, Regional and Domestic Standards
Week 3. Basic Principles of Monitoring: Developing a Strategy of Action
Week 4. Indicator Construction and Analyses
Week 5. Community Approach to Monitoring and Children’s Participation
Week 6. ”Open week”
Week 7. Monitoring and Indicators of Children’s Survival and Health
Week 8. Monitoring and Indicators of Children’s Education and Development
Week 9. Monitoring and Indicators of Child Protection – Children in Conflict with the Law
Week 10. Monitoring and Indicators of Child Protection – Abused Children and Children in Situations of Exploitation
Week 11. Preparation of Monitoring Reports and Follow-Up
For more detailed information and online registration, please go to:
Best wishes,
Sandra Quintin
Distance Learning Programme, HREA