Conferentie in Dakar: lees documenten op de website

ingevoerd op 11-5-2012 (
Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa Conference
Mobilising around Family Strengthening and Alternative Care 
10-11 May 2012, Dakar, Senegal

Save the Children, the Better Care Network, UNICEF, African Movement of Working Children and Youth, Enda Tiers Monde-Jeunesse Action, International Social Services (West and Central Africa), RAPPECAN Senegal, SOS Children’s Villages, Terre des Hommes, World Vision International hebben een conferentie gehouden over gezinsversterking en alternatieve vormen van zorg op 10 en 11 mei in Dakar Senegal. Vanuit Nederland waren ook enkele afgevaardigden op dit franstalige congres.

De conferentie was live te volgen via een online webinar en nu zijn alle uitkomsten en presentaties te  bekijken op de website.

The Conference was the first meeting of its kind in Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa and was the occasion for the high-level launching of the international Guidelines on Alternative Care of Children to a Francophone audience. Key Lusophone countries in West Central Africa - Guinea Bissau and Cap Verde - and Brazil were also participating in order to exchange experiences and learning on family strengthening and alternative care approaches and practices.

The conference provided an opportunity to mobilise key actors to:
* Promote the international Guidelines on Alternative Care of Children, their dissemination and use and their adoption and implementation in countries across the region
* Make the care situation of children without appropriate care in Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa more visible;
* Share experiences, examples of good practices and lessons learned in supporting family-based care across the region;
* Identify the specific nature of care issues across the region and the priority requirements to address them; and
* Launch an alternative care platform for Sub-Saharan Francophone Africa countries and determine opportunities for future information exchange, coordination, and collaboration between different Francophone and Lusophone child protection actors

In particular, this conference will build on the recommendations of recent regional and international conferences on alternative care and will set the stage for the development of concrete plans to adopt and implement the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in countries throughout Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa.

Bekijk de website: only).
 For any further information please contact Clare Feinstein, CPI Regional Representative for West and Central Africa: