Ben je actief in Oeganda? Informatieve website over alternatieve zorg voor kinderen in Oeganda

ingevoerd op 11-03-2015

Deze website door het Ministerie van Gender, Arbeid en Sociale Ontwikkeling in Oeganda in samenwerking met civil society partners geeft op een heldere wijze inzicht in de situatie van kwetsbare kinderen in Oeganda en de uitgangspunten van de nationale overheid als het gaat om alternatieve zorg voor kinderen. Verder veel achtergronddocumenten, artikelen en blogs. Een schat aan informatie voor als je met je stichting werkzaam bent in Oeganda!

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Van de website:

”As an alliance of individuals, government and organisations working in Uganda, we appreciate the overwhelming care and concern for our children by the international community, including governments, churches, organisations and individuals. We seek to ensure that our children are in safe, happy and healthy families and that should be a priority for all of us.

”In Africa, we believe that families are the foundation of our communities and that everything should be done to keep children within their own families and communities.”

Mr. James Kaboggoza, Assistant Commissioner for Children Affairs Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development

We are increasingly concerned by the way our children are often described and their best interests not upheld. A number of organisations fail to recognise and work within the legal frameworks of the countries in which they operate. Though intentions may be good, such organisations often end up working against national policies and programmes designed to strengthen child welfare provisions.

The inappropriate and inaccurate use of the term ’orphan’ has increased stereotypes and stigma for our children and created negative perceptions and individualised short term responses. This needs to change.”

Schermafbeelding 2015-03-11 om 14.24.25 Schermafbeelding 2015-03-11 om 14.24.25