Call for Papers

ICEB International Journal on Alternative Care

ICEB doet een oproep voor bijdragen aan hun tijdschriften voor 2021 rondom alternatieve zorg, met een focus op Zuid Azië. 

Hun oproep:

ICEB is an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal on Alternative Care for Out-of-Home-Care (OHC) children and youth, focused on the South Asia region. Along with addressing issues that can influence policy reforms, decision-making and improve practices and standards of care, ICEB, in proud partnership with SAGE publications, aspires to strengthen research, knowledge and practices currently prevalent in the region. ICEB serves as a forum for studies, discussions, debates and research on issues that would lead to better practices of care and encourage the integration of OHC children and youth, including the differently-abled, into the mainstream and thus to their inclusion in civil society. Published electronically and in print version, twice a year (March and September), every issue of ICEB presents original research papers, good models of care, comprehensive desk review papers, editorial, foreword, expert opinions, perspectives of children and youth in care, interviews, and book and movie reviews.  

We invite research studies, legal and human rights-based perspectives, mental health frameworks, and innovative practices in support, training and development for caregivers in alternative care settings, as well as good practices/models in the South Asian region. 

Specific questions pertaining this Special Issue should be directed to