Making Child Rights a Reality: FRA Indicators represent first step towards targeted policies (25/03/2009)
The European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) will today present a new report on ‘Developing indicators for the protection, respect and promotion of the rights of the child in the European Union’. This proposes a comprehensive series of indicators to measure child rights across the EU.
Morten Kjaerum, Director of the FRA: ”The situation of many children across the EU is worrying, with one-fifth at risk of poverty. Many suffer violence within the family or the community, whilst those belonging to minority groups are often subject to discrimination in education. Children continue to be trafficked and smuggled into and across EU Member States”.
He continued: ”Protecting our children must be a priority for everyone. Yet without a thorough knowledge of both the extent and nature of the problems, it will be very difficult to accurately address this situation and assess changes over time. We hope that Member States will use our indicators to collect data that will allow them to formulate evidence based policies to protect the rights of the child”.
”In order to protect our children, there is a need for concerted EU action. The European Commission has today adopted two proposals for new rules to step up the fight against trafficking in human beings and child sexual abuse, which are important steps for the better protection of our children”, concluded Morten Kjaerum.
Read more and download the Summary Report from the EU website
Indicators have been developed by the Agency in the following areas:
- Family Environment and Alternative Care;
- Protection from Exploitation and Violence;
- Education, Citizenship and Cultural Activities; and
- Adequate Standard of Living.
Following the 2006 European Commission Communication ‘Towards a Strategy on the Rights of the Child’, the Commission asked the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), in July 2007, to develop indicators to measure how child rights are implemented, protected, respected and promoted across the EU.
The European Commission has today adopted two proposals for new rules to step up the fight against trafficking in human beings and child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and child pornography. These new proposals replace existing legislation which was implemented in 2002 and 2004. The new proposals will guarantee full alignment with the highest European standards, whilst also providing greater assistance for victims and tougher action against criminals responsible for child sexual abuse and trafficking.
The FRA will present an in-depth study on child trafficking by mid-2009.
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